316 Fundraiser: Dec 1, 2020

Hello friends and family of 316!
In 2019 Stephanie and I spent the whole year leaning into life and service at 316, “equipping the saints for the work of service to the building up of the body of Christ.” This year, 2020, has been very different because of COVID. But the work hasn’t decreased, only increased. However, it looks quite different now and we’re making the necessary adjustments.

One thing this year has taught us, among other things, is that there is a lot we can do through online platforms. Way more even, than we once realized. From face-to-face zoom calls, conferences, online classes, individual sessions for equipping and healing and prayer, and so on. And although nothing beats being with each other physically, the need for discipleship and training is needed now more than ever. Truthfully, the individual needs of the people are at an all time high. Everyone in this country has been hit with a level of grief from the tension and uncertainty and it’s brought forth waves of emotion that can be heard and felt. The need to show-up in an effective way is greater than we’ve ever imagined.

Looking to 2021, our team recognizes the value and need to upgrade all of our production/technology equipment. What we currently have has served us well up to this point, as most of our teaching and training has been in-person. But times have changed.

The 316 Church technology upgrade would allow us to do what we do whether we can be there in-person or not. It will allow us to offer discipleship and training resources in video format and/or online class format. In January of 2021 we’re launching The 316 Church App that will be available for download on any Apple or Android device, and on it, we are building and offering all classes planned for 2021 which are, but not limited to:
-Together Forever, A Marriage Workshop
-Starting Point, A New Members Class
-All Next Step Courses which include:
  • Health topics
  • Bible Book studies
  • Finance topics
  • Relationship topics (Divorce, Communication, Fighting Fair, etc) 
  • Deep Dive into the Prophetic
-Plus, any teaching and training we are continually developing.

Our church app will allow you to stay more connected than ever. Stephanie and I are hoping it can bring a sense of community back to those who’ve been out for an extended period of time. There will be a ‘Pastor’s Corner’ where you will get regular messages from us. With a single click, you will be able to watch every sermon recorded in our database. There will be a prayer request section where you can list anything on your heart and it will come directly to Steph and I, and we’ll spend time every Tuesday and Thursday praying over those needs. You will get all of our live streaming directly from the app, meaning, you don’t have to have any social media accounts to be able to tune in. There will be an events page to keep you notified of what’s happening next and so much more!
We love and miss you all, and in spite of the distance between us, we’ve been praying for and working hard on a solution that will help us serve ALL of The 316 community, not just those who can show up when the doors are open. Especially, as we’ve grown outside of the city of Wichita with community members in Dodge City, Texas, Arizona, Louisiana and several other places. And we believe this is the solution. The grief of not being able to be with you all or sufficiently meet many needs has caused overwhelming pain at times and we really believe our app and tech upgrade will help bridge that gap.

What we need:
  1. New computer for sound booth $2000
  2. Sound board $1500
  3. ATEM Mini (used for video production and streaming) $500
  4. 2 Cinema cameras (for production and recording) $2200
  5. Pro Presenter 7 (worship media software) $875
  6. Editing/Graphic Design Laptop $1000
  7. Final Cut Pro (editing software) $900
  8. Water Baptism Pool $1000
For a total budget of: $9975.00

We’re simply inviting you to prayerfully consider giving towards this opportunity. I’ve calculated that if 50 people would each donate just $199.50, our budget would be met entirely. But of course, however you feel led to give would be an extreme blessing.
Thank you so much for your support and prayers. May the Lord continue to keep you in peace and hope in abundance by the power of the Holy Spirit.

For donation information, please text “the316churchgive” to 77977 OR click here: https://pushpay.com/g/thethreesixteenchurch

Please be sure to select “technology” in the Fund drop-down box instead of “tithes & offerings” so we can be sure your donation goes to the right place.

God is love,
Pastor Cam

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