Newsletter 2: January 23, 2017

Here we are again, officially past our originally set launch date. Man, what a ride it’s been. We’re learning so much along the way, mostly, what NOT to do. Just kidding. Right before we left Salina we said to ourselves, “We either heard from God, or we’re not very smart people.” Well our conclusion is…we’re not very smart people. But God reminded us that it takes “not very smart people” to step out, dream big, and walk in faith.

In the last 3 months we’ve had 3 pre-launch services. These were held at The Center, a local Foursquare Church here in Wichita. Pastors David and Marla Beeson allowed us to use their facility for nothing in return and have also become mentors to us. What a drink of fresh water they’ve been to us. Two very special people and we’re so thankful to know them. Our pre-launch services have been exciting. Allowing us to create some culture and work out some kinks. God’s given us some great people to have church with.

Cam and I continued our search for a building over the last few months. As we grew, we knew The 316 needed a home of it’s own. We looked at many store fronts and many properties below $1500 a month. Many doors closed. Finding the right space was trickier than expected with so many variables to consider. Taking a break from it all, one Saturday we took the kids to Old Town for some family time. As we’re walking along and visiting all the shops Cam noticed a building across the street. We walked over and looked inside and could truly envision Sunday service there. It was exciting. It was bigger than all the small spaces that were affordable to us. It had enough room for everything. And although we knew it had to be out of our price range we called the number anyway. On the line was a very nice voice, Ginny, who was happy to hear why we were calling. I told her our vision for the church and she suggested setting a meeting with the investors who owned the building stating they had helped other churches before. We were delighted and thought, “What the heck?” and scheduled a meeting 2 weeks out. Over the next 2 weeks we talked to several people and it became clearer there was no way we could afford this building. We even considered cancelling the meeting altogether. After talking and praying we decided to go and just see what happened. What could it hurt, right? The day came and Cam and I dressed in our Sunday’s best. We tried to look the part real good. Ha-ha! When we arrived, we were sat at a conference table in a small room. We waited. To our surprise, a barefoot man in jeans and a t-shirt walked in, shook our hands and said, “What’s up?” We were so confused. I can’t help but laugh as I type this. It was quite an experience. Then in came his assistant, Ginny, who we had been talking to up to this point. Cam was able to share the vision of the church and all we wanted to do in this building. They listened intently. As soon as Cam was done talking he told us what we already knew…there was no way we could afford it. Even though we knew it, it still stung a little bit to think we just wasted our time and theirs.

Then, something happened.

After a few moments he looked at us and said, “I just bought a church at 944 S Topeka, I can take you to look at it today, and if you guys like it I’ll give it to you for $1.00.” Yes, he said ONE DOLLAR. Cam and I thought we heard him say that and we looked at each other. But I think we both thought surely he couldn’t have said that so we dismissed it. We did agree however to look at the building. We set an appointment with Ginny to meet there at 2 o’clock that same day. I got to the building a few minutes before Cameron and met Ginny on the back steps of the old Grace United Methodist Church. To my astonishment, the building I was looking at was a total of 39,000 square feet, and worth 4.3 million dollars. The original building holds a sanctuary that seats 500 people, a commercial kitchen, 10 rooms a variety of sizes, and 2 reception areas. In 1958 they added a connecting building known as the Education Wing which includes an additional 20+ rooms, a gymnasium, 3 more small kitchenettes, a library, and a built in daycare center. It was truly breathtaking. As I was taking it all in, Ginny looks at me says, “I’m not sure if you guys understood the last time we said it so just to clarify, if you like the building…we will sign it over to you for the purchase price of $1. You can have it.” Overwhelmed is a weak word to describe what I was experiencing. I immediately started crying. I could not believe what I heard. I sent Cam a text right then and there, “WE HAVE A CHURCH!!!” Cam soon pulled up and we spent the next hour walking through the building. We could see life in every room and a use for every piece of the building. It was the most exciting couple weeks from the start of all this we had.

Since being given the building we’ve been in the due diligence phase. We’re learning there’s a lot more to inheriting real estate than meets the eye. Coming in as owners to a huge property that’s dated and needs lots of TLC requires planning, budgets, labor, money and LOTS of vision. Were so excited for all the ministry that can be accomplished and opportunities this building will bring. Our faith has grown so much along this journey and I can tell you no one wants this process to be finished more than we do.

The last 8 months since moving back to Wichita have been a roller coaster. I can honestly say NOTHING has went as planned. There have been many setbacks and I’m convinced the enemy wants to discourage us enough to quit before we even start. But in all of the trials, our vision has only grown. What we could see then is a vague comparison to what we can see now. God’s passion is people and He’s doing something in the heart of Wichita that will spread throughout and transform this city. We’re fighting for something bigger than what we first thought. We don’t know quite literally if we will be able to sustain this building. But we also know fear cannot own us when a great cause rules our hearts. There is so much stirring inside us now we’re praying for the capacity to carry it. We’re asking God to expand the boundaries of our love for His people and give us the strength to do what needs to be done. We originally thought we would come here and plant a church. And we are. But now we want to jump in and partner with God in His plans for this city. A transforming cause is never about you. It is always about using the resources God has given you to make a positive impact in the lives of others. Since the news of the building, The 316 team has seen how God strategically placed us all here together…and our WHY is being deeper discovered. Love is the best sermon anyone will ever experience. And our desire is touch every life with it.

We set a launch date for the church of January 8th. We make plans, but the Lord directs our steps. We’ve decided to start services elsewhere until the church is ready. Since the process has taken longer than expected we don’t want to forget that church is about the people, not the building. We were offered a couple spaces to use and will start weekly services beginning February 12th. The service and location details will be released on our website and on our Face Book page. This will allow us to become a congregation with regular fellowship and we will move together when the time is right into our permanent home. We will definitely celebrate and have a Launch/Open House Event when the time comes.

When we first started this, our slogan was JOIN THE MOVEMENT. You may have seen it a time or two. We thought it was catchy and inviting. Now, we ask you very literally to JOIN THE MOVEMENT. Your cause was made to consume you. When it does, you become like the sun, a blazing ball of energy that illuminates and brings life to a world of frozen hearts and souls. There are many things we’re not good at. We need tech help, graphic design help, basic administration help, artistic help, and every bit of financial help we can get! We are waiting for YOU. God put things inside of you to give. We’re living in a time of the greatest generation of cause-driven volunteers who are willing to change the world! And we’re asking God to send many more our way! Leaders are not great without other great leaders serving along side them. We need your ideas, your passion, and your presence to be all God desires us to be. If we strive together to be like-minded people who want to exercise God’s power and heal broken lives, then we give people a cause worth disrupting their lives for. Please help us do it.

To all the Pastors and leaders in this city, please contact us if we can come and share the vision of The 316 with you and your congregation and/or committee or board. We would love for you to partner with us in our efforts against Human Trafficking, our youth and family programs, and our goal for additional Safe Houses, and our extensive discipleship program.

To our family and friends, remember us in your prayers always! Please continue to support us financially and any other way you can. A couple members of our team are job seeking right now so we ask for prayer for God’s continued provision and the right placement. Please pray for Cameron’s overall health. He’s seeing a specialist this month and addressing some issues. Please pray for our children and our marriage. “Balancing” a big family isn’t always easy. Instead, we ask God for His supply of grace to get us through the ebbs and flows of our ever-changing life. To my husband Cameron and our lead Pastor…thank you for being who you are. You lead with consistency and a genuine message. You are kind, funny, and stay true to who you are (one of the things I love about you most…never change that). I’m honored to be on this journey with you. #TogetherForever

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