Re-Thinking Church: Mar 23, 2018
May 11th, 2023
We had people from every walk and age of life you could imagine. Some people came with legalistic mentalities, LGBT, former atheist, covered in tattoos, and older people with troubles adjusting to the...  Read More
The 316 Church NEWSLETTER: Feb 28, 2018
May 11th, 2023
We will continue to strive to be a place of grace and truth. A place of love and safety. A place of unity and diversity. A place that never gives up on anyone....  Read More
The 316 Launch: Sep 21, 2017
May 10th, 2023
We was beat boxing down the street with our snap back on backwards walking with a side step! We didn’t mean to. We didn’t know it happening. But it was happening in those deep places of our heart ...  Read More
A Husband’s Love: April 19, 2017
May 10th, 2023
I can honestly tell you there is nothing more sexy than a man who’s identity is in Christ. No swag in the world compares to a man with good character. None....  Read More
Parenting Millennials: March 25, 2017
May 10th, 2023
But know this: YOU ARE ENOUGH! God chose our children for us. He entrusted them to you and in Him you are not alone. Friends, don’t give up. Don’t even THINK about thinking about giving up! ...  Read More
Newsletter 2: January 23, 2017
May 10th, 2023
The last 8 months since moving back to Wichita have been a roller coaster. I can honestly say NOTHING has went as planned. There have been many setbacks and I’m convinced the enemy wants to discoura...  Read More